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The Radiological Society of New Jersey
Serving, promoting, and advancing the profession of radiology in New Jersey



Gold Medal Honorees

The Radiological Society of New Jersey's Gold Medal, its highest honor, is awarded to New Jersey radiologists in recognition of outstanding lifetime achievement and service to the RSNJ.

The criteria for awarding the RSNJ Gold Medal are:

  • Member of the RSNJ for at least 20 years, 
  • Outstanding service to the RSNJ, 
  • Outstanding service to Radiology and the Radiological Sciences, and
  • Outstanding contributions to radiological organizations and/or the public.

GOLD MEDAL HONOREES (listed alphabetically)

Mark P. Bramwit, MD  

Milton Gallant, MD

Mohan Makhija, MD

A. Donald Meltzer, MD

Fred M. Palace, MD

John A. Parrella, MD

Henry Powsner, MD

Lawrence C. Swayne, MD

Julie E. Timins, MD

Thomas Witomski, MD

David Youmans, MD

Anthony P. Yudd, MD

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